Residents must obtain village stickers for their cars at the police booth, located at 1A Beverly Road. In addition, residents are requested to notify the police if they anticipate a large number of visitors.
Also, residents may inform the police when leaving on vacation so they may keep an extra close watch on your home. NON-EMERGENCY Police Number: (516) 482-2853(for informing police of vacations and vacant house information)
The onset of autumn and the corresponding darkness occurring earlier in the evening, brings with it greater opportunity for criminal activity. While we want to stress that there has not been an increase of instances of this sort in Kensington to date, we feel that a simple reminder of basic safety tips and information is always appropriate. The following suggestions and information may make you and your home less attractive to would be criminals.
Ensure that all windows and doors are securely locked at all times. If you wish to leave a window open for ventilation, utilize the pop out security latches which prevent windows from opening more than a few inches.
You can assist us in this endeavor by following the above .recommendations.
If you have any questions in regards to this matter, feel free to call us at any time.
Commissioner of Police and DPW: Susan Lopatkin
A trustee is appointed Police Commissioner to act as an intermediary between the police and the board of trustees.