Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
Village of Kensington, 2 Nassau Drive, Great Neck, NY
April 17, 2024
8:00pm – Village Hall
Present: Mayor Susan Lopatkin
Trustees: Brent Greenspan, Carey Ye, Andrew Bloom
The Board meeting was brought to order by Mayor Lopatkin at 8:00pm.
Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve the March board minutes, all in favor.
Architectural Review Board projects before the board:
40 Arleigh Rd – New Windows, New Roof, Patio Addition in Rear, New Walkway, & Garage Door Replacement
Architect Rei began with the scope of the project. He went on to explain that the homeowners have already started the interior construction of the home and this is phase 2. The Tudor style home is 100 years old and not in very good shape. The scope of work for phase 2 begins with the windows which are in bad shape. They will change all (39) windows. The new windows will be casement windows from the Anderson 400 Series. The outside of the windows will be black and the inside will be white. The house stucco, brick, molding, and trim will be repainted the same as the existing color which is white and the wood siding will be painted black. The existing front door will be painted black. All gutters and leaders will be replaced. The existing shingle roof will be replaced with new shingles. Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve the project, seconded by Trustee Ye, all in favor.
38 Beverly Rd – New Construction of a Two (2) Story Single Family Residence
Architect Peter Hagemann presented to the board and described the design of the new residence. The house will be a brick colonial with a two (2) car garage. The driveway will be asphalt with a Belgium block border and apron. The front walkway will be Bluestone.
The proposed material list is as follows:
• Brick – Glen Gery in the color Brandywine – Three (3) samples of mortar will be available on site for the ARB board to approve
• Roof – GAF Slateline shingle in the color Royal Slate
• Azek – White
• Gutters & Leaders – White
• Front Door will be a double Mahogany door with sidelights and black hardware
• Casement Windows made by Pella in the color Iron Ore.
• White security cameras
• Black Landscape Lights
• Exterior Lights will all be black
• Garage Door – Cambridge Series 6 panel & 8 lite squares in the color white
• Walkways & Paving – Bluestone
• Custom house number
The board reviewed the details and noted that the design was well thought through and appreciated the presentation. Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve the project, seconded by Trustee Ye, all in favor.
Public Hearing Article IV Multiple Dwelling and Nonresidential Occupancy Licenses.
Section One. Kensington Code Chapter 64 entitled “Building Construction” is hereby amended by the addition of a new Article IV entitled “Multiple Dwelling and Nonresidential Occupancy Licenses” to read as follows:
Article IV Multiple Dwelling and Nonresidential Occupancy Licenses.
$64-67. Legislative intent.
The Board of Trustees seeks to be in compliance with New York State Law by requiring inspections of Multiple Dwellings and Nonresidential Occupancies Premises to ensure compliance with the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code and the New York State Multiple Dwellings Law. The Code provisions herein will serve to safeguard the public health, safety, welfare, and good working order of Multiple Dwellings and Non-Residential Occupancies Premises throughout the Village.
After some discussion by the board and questions of some residents, Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve Local Law Multiple Dwelling and Nonresidential Occupancy Licenses, all in favor.
Mayors Update:
A new application for filming in the village was put together for the board to review. The new application was approved by the board.
National Grid has finished the gas lines on North Drive and their paving division will be doing a walkthrough on North and every court to make their plan for curb-to-curb repaving. Residents will be notified by National Grid of the timing and if and when their cars would have to be moved.
The speed signs are still pending with the Nassau County Legislature, these are the movable speed signs all over the peninsula. We are expecting to hear back on the timing of this grant soon.
Open Time:
A resident complained about the car carrier that delivers/picks up cars from their stock at the public works unused space at our village pool. The car carrier is not able to go down the hill to the pool area and make the u turn to go back up the hill. And it is too dangerous for the car carrier to be parked on East Shore Road while the driver loads or unloads cars. The police dept deemed the island at the end of Arleigh Road to be the safest location as traffic is not impeded and no roads are shut down. The car carrier comes whenever the car dealer calls for them, which is about every 2 weeks or so.
The resident had contacted the mayor previously and stated that they were conducting illegal activity. The mayor asked the police to evaluate this situation and their conclusion is that there is no illegal activity. The police concluded that the car carrier was allowed to park where it was parking, as long as it was facing the correct way and that they were not blocking the road for pedestrians or traffic. There was a discussion between the board and the resident which lasted approximately 30 minutes. The board offered many suggestions to alleviate the resident’s concerns that the carrier shouldn’t be allowed to park there The Mayor and the board told the resident that if they felt the carrier was indeed conducting activity that they thought was not legal, i.e. If cars were driven on the wrong side of the street, to call our police emergency number while the situation was ongoing.
On a motion of Mayor Lopatkin, seconded by Trustee Greenspan
accept the Police and Treasurers reports.
On the motion of Mayor Lopatkin, seconded by Trustee Ye, the
meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
Village of Kensington, 2 Nassau Drive, Great Neck, NY
May 15, 2024
8:00pm – Village Hall
Present: Mayor Susan Lopatkin
Trustees: Jeff Greener, Brent Greenspan, Carey Ye, Andrew Bloom
The Board meeting was brought to order by Mayor Lopatkin at 8:00pm.
Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve the April board minutes, all in favor.
Mayors Update:
Mayor Lopatkin wanted to thank Joyce Cheung for picking up flowers that were planted at the front gate. My Cheung does this every year for the village.
The paving of North Dr. and the courts (curb to curb) should be done by Memorial Day.
Mayor Lopatkin spoke to the board about the speed signs that we are going to purchase, once we get approval. There is an option to permantely affix the 13-foot poles that the signs will be on or affix them enough that they would be movable. The board agreed that they should be moveable and they also agreed that all four signs should be up at once.
There have been no further issues with the car carrier as they have been stopping on East Shore Rd, instead of at the triangle at the end of Nassau Dr.
Mayor Lopatkin stated that we will not be signing the Vigilant contract as there has been no return call regarding our questions about the contract.
Our village pool will be opening Memorial Day weekend, we are looking forward to another wonderful season as there are more families that have moved into Kensington.
Mayor Lopatkin reminded the board of the new local law Multiple Dwelling and Nonresidential Occupancy Licenses. Our building Inspector Mike McNerney is working on an application that the village will be using, so that these inspections can be carried out.
Entered into executive session 8:45pm
On a motion of Mayor Lopatkin, seconded by Trustee Greenspan
accept the Police and Treasurers reports.
On the motion of Mayor Lopatkin, seconded by Trustee Greener, the
meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.
January 22
February 5
March 18
April 1
May 13
June 3
July 8
August 5
September 23
October 7
November 18
December 16
Notice of any public sale must be given in writing to the village clerk at least 15 days prior to the date of the sale. Limitations and restrictions on public sales such as tag and/or garage sales as well as auctions should be reviewed in the village code book, prior to planning the sale.
Outdoor storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and unlicensed vehicles is prohibited for more than ten consecutive days.
Snow, ice, construction debris, or landscaping debris removed by the homeowner or someone working for them, may not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk or on the property of a neighbor. All such material must be contained within the homeowner’s own property and within the hedge line.
Houses and property must be properly maintained. Yards must be kept clean and free of garbage, building debris, litter, accumulation of brush shrubs and weeds and excessive growth of vegetation. In addition, each property owner is responsible for maintenance of the grass, hedges and other plantings located in the boundary between the owner’s land and the street, and in the easement between properties. Grass must be trimmed regularly, and hedges must be cut to regulation height and be kept free of weeds and saplings.
Trees located within the grass strip in front of the hedge line are village trees. Village trees must be maintained in a healthy condition and kept free of weeds, and watered. The homeowner is not responsible for the trimming or removal of village trees when such is necessary. All other trees on the homeowner’s property are their sole responsibility for care and maintenance.
Dogs may not be allowed to run loose or disturb the peace. They must be curbed at all times and owners are subject to “pooper-scooper” requirements. Dogs must be maintained in such a manner as to prevent any noises which may disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood
Work which is attended by loud or disturbing noises can be performed Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Construction work is not permitted on weekends. Professional lawn maintenance can be done Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Burglar and fire alarm systems must be maintained in a manner that will prevent their continuous operation for a period in excess of thirty (30) minutes.
The use of amplified music after 11:00 p.m. on Friday or Saturday nights is prohibited.
There are restrictions pertaining to the use of homes and accessory buildings and property. Check with the village code for specific applications. In general, however, the only home offices allowed are for the homeowner licensed under the Education Law of the State of New York to practice medicine, osteopathy, physiotherapy, dentistry, podiatry, psychology or chiropractic.
Residents who do not wish to be visited by organizations with licenses to canvas or solicit within Kensington must send written notification of this fact to the village clerk. Their name and address will be placed on a list of residents provided to the organization with the agreement that they will not be visited.
The speed limit throughout the village is 25 m.p.h. Parking on village streets is prohibited between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a. m. Parking on the streets of Kensington at other times is limited to two hours, except in certain marked areas where parking is prohibited at all times. Cars should not be parked with wheels on the sidewalk or grass strips. Trucks and commercial vehicles are prohibited from traversing all east-west streets except when making deliveries within the Village.
Find meeting Agendas, Monthly Police Reports, Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Budget, Tax Roll and the Storm Water Report here.
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