February 12, 2025
Village Hall – 8:00pm
A. Review the recommendations of the Architectural Review Board rendered at the meeting on February 5, 2025.
32 Beverly – Exterior Reno
B. Approval of minutes from January 22, 2025
1) Public hearing to amend village code 151-13.2
C. Board discussion
D. Mayors Update
Village Tax bills will be mailed out the last week of February. Taxes are due April 1st. If you do not receive your bill, please call the Village Clerk (516) 482-4409 Ext. 101. Due to the inconsistency of the mail in Great Neck and issues with the local post office deliveries, please consider dropping off your payment or leaving it in the VH door mail slot or the big mailbox outside the door. Payments received after April 1st incur a 5% penalty (NYS Law)
Village Election will take place on Tuesday, March 18th from 12pm-9pm at
the Village Hall. Absentee ballot applications must be requested by Tuesday, March 11th from the Village Clerk.
(2) Trustees (2) year term
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
Village of Kensington, 2 Nassau Drive, Great Neck, NY December 17, 2024
8:00pm – Village Hall
Present: Mayor Susan Lopatkin
Trustees: Deputy Mayor Greener, Brent Greenspan, Andrew Bloom, Carey Ye
The Board meeting was brought to order by Mayor Lopatkin at 8:05pm. Mayor Lopatkin made a motion to approve the November minutes, all in favor.
Mayor Lopatkin read the following resolution into the minutes authorizing Verizon to set up a meeting regarding franchise revenue:
Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Kensington (the “Village”) hereby authorizes a quorum of its Trustees to attend a public hearing with respect to the renewal of the cable franchise of Verizon New York, Inc. (“Verizon”); and
Resolved, that the Village shall work cooperatively with the Great Neck/North Shore Cable Commission (the “Commission”) and the other Villages comprising the Commission to schedule a convenient date, time and place to hold said public hearing; and
Resolved, that once the date, time and place for the public hearing is established, the Board of Trustees hereby ratifies and adopts the action of the Commission and/or the Village in publishing proper notice of said public hearing in the Village’s official newspaper; and
Resolved, that the agenda for the public hearing shall be the review and consideration of a franchise renewal agreement with Verizon by each of the Villages, as “local franchising authorities” under Title VI of the federal Communications Act and as franchising municipalities under Title 16, §§890-899 of the New York Public Service Commission regulations.
Mayor Lopatkin introduced the 2025-26 village budget. Mayor Lopatkin prefaced by stating that this budget stays within the tax cap. The tax cap limit is $3,928,564 and our tax levy $ 3,919,544; we are $8,720 under the tax cap.
This budget includes $100K for a pickleball court that will be built at our village pool. Due to parkland funds and overall village savings, the village is able to fund the court.
The cost of employee and police retirement has significantly gone up, we will
budget the projection amount given by the state. Health insurance from NYSHP has also increased. Additionally, the village will be completedpayingour bond for road repaving in three years.
On the revenue side, our revenue from licensing/permits is lower than in past
years, so we need to budget more conservatively for permit revenue going forward
Mayor Lopatkin introduced an amendment to Local Law 151-13.2
Additional regulations for new construction and substantial improvements
The purpose of this change is to correct the local law on new construction based on lot sizes which had a quirk in the lot size calculations. The law will be amended to cover the following:
151-13.2 (3) For lots having a minimum lot width of 90 feet up to a maximum of 99 feet. Amend to a maximum of 99.9 feet
151-13.2 (4) For lots having a minimum lot width of 80 feet up to a maximum of 89 feet. Amend to a maximum of 89.9 feet
The board discussed a letter received from a resident requesting that senior citizen exemptions for taxes be implemented in the village. While the village recognizes vet exemptions, we do not allow senior citizen exemptions. After a board discussion of the matter, and recognizing that with so many seniors living in the
village, the board agreed that the village didn’t want to burden the other residents with the costs associated with tax exemptions for senior citizens.
Mayor Lopatkin opened the ongoing discussion regarding building a pickleball court at the village pool area. Deputy Mayor Greener made some calls and it has been determined that asphalt is best practice over concrete. Deputy Mayor Greener will be looking at a few more items concerning the court and a decision on contractor will be made next month.
On a motion of Mayor Lopatkin, seconded by Deputy Mayor Greener, accept the Police and Treasurers reports.
Public Notice
Architectural Review Board
PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Architectural Review Board of the Village of Kensington will hold a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH 2025 at 7:15 p.m. at the Village Hall located at 2 Nassau Drive, Great Neck, NY to discuss the following application:
72 ARLEIGH, MENG also known as Section 2, Block 227, Lot 6 (CONSTRUCTION OF A 6,450 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE)
32 BEVERLY RD., WOJCIK, also known as Section 2, Block 223, Lots 22-26 (PROPOSED ADDITION, NEW ROOF, NEW SIDING, & 50 WINDOWS)
All persons will be heard at the time and place above stated. Copies of the application are available at the Village Hall for inspection during regular business hours of 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Andrea Dennett, Chairperson
Joyce Cheung, Co-Chairperson Architectural Review Board
Dated: February 4, 2025
Notice of any public sale must be given in writing to the village clerk at least 15 days prior to the date of the sale. Limitations and restrictions on public sales such as tag and/or garage sales as well as auctions should be reviewed in the village code book, prior to planning the sale.
Outdoor storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and unlicensed vehicles is prohibited for more than ten consecutive days.
Snow, ice, construction debris, or landscaping debris removed by the homeowner or someone working for them, may not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk or on the property of a neighbor. All such material must be contained within the homeowner’s own property and within the hedge line.
Houses and property must be properly maintained. Yards must be kept clean and free of garbage, building debris, litter, accumulation of brush shrubs and weeds and excessive growth of vegetation. In addition, each property owner is responsible for maintenance of the grass, hedges and other plantings located in the boundary between the owner’s land and the street, and in the easement between properties. Grass must be trimmed regularly, and hedges must be cut to regulation height and be kept free of weeds and saplings.
Trees located within the grass strip in front of the hedge line are village trees. Village trees must be maintained in a healthy condition and kept free of weeds, and watered. The homeowner is not responsible for the trimming or removal of village trees when such is necessary. All other trees on the homeowner’s property are their sole responsibility for care and maintenance.
Dogs may not be allowed to run loose or disturb the peace. They must be curbed at all times and owners are subject to “pooper-scooper” requirements. Dogs must be maintained in such a manner as to prevent any noises which may disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood
Work which is attended by loud or disturbing noises can be performed Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Construction work is not permitted on weekends. Professional lawn maintenance can be done Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Burglar and fire alarm systems must be maintained in a manner that will prevent their continuous operation for a period in excess of thirty (30) minutes.
The use of amplified music after 11:00 p.m. on Friday or Saturday nights is prohibited.
There are restrictions pertaining to the use of homes and accessory buildings and property. Check with the village code for specific applications. In general, however, the only home offices allowed are for the homeowner licensed under the Education Law of the State of New York to practice medicine, osteopathy, physiotherapy, dentistry, podiatry, psychology or chiropractic.
Residents who do not wish to be visited by organizations with licenses to canvas or solicit within Kensington must send written notification of this fact to the village clerk. Their name and address will be placed on a list of residents provided to the organization with the agreement that they will not be visited.
The speed limit throughout the village is 25 m.p.h. Parking on village streets is prohibited between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a. m. Parking on the streets of Kensington at other times is limited to two hours, except in certain marked areas where parking is prohibited at all times. Cars should not be parked with wheels on the sidewalk or grass strips. Trucks and commercial vehicles are prohibited from traversing all east-west streets except when making deliveries within the Village.
Find meeting Agendas, Monthly Police Reports, Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Budget, Tax Roll and the Storm Water Report here.
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